Precautionary Statements:
Conduct KYC & RefCheck on any purported dignitary prior to transaction
We do not manage funds for others nor privately place outside capital
No relation to Afaq Jobs, afaq finance, nor Afaq of Jordan
مجموعة آفاق
للاستثمارات العامة
Populations ever-verge on majestic horizons. How can we pull the coming paradigm forward?
CHALLENGES to the free flow of capital between capitals, goods for good, and value with values exist. With a benevolent outlook decades further than present populaces, yet climbing grounded in the certainty of now, we exist because these barriers are often perilously obscured before investment in a new vicinity is made. The cultured lens of a long-term stakeholder is needed… one immersed in local government affairs and emerging macro trends.
. . . together we edge on new PERSPECTIVES
FROM our unique vantage, the affiliation of AFAQ’s personages does occasionally beckon quaestus-grata regard, but there is no privilege other than one's ability to meritably serve those who matter: individual progenitors of societal progress and the illustriously-commiteed institutions backing them, So, reality check: there is no magic wand to wave… only the laborious can emerge victorious with a purposeful endeavor.UPHOLDING authentic principles, we foremost factor reputational risk, confidentially aligning only with mutually discerning partners who exude ethics in practice, when not solo ⎯⎯⎯⎯𓅃
we vest our EMINENCE ... for your PROMINENCE.
In world cities being reshaped by their youth, a new model of collaborative business conduit is emerging... Reliably resilient or pivotably disruptive per circumstances, oriented for a hyper-changing socioeconomy, and relevant to our post-millennial generation "Z" in the next decade’s technological, financial, and industrial landscape. ⚫ HELLO, AFAQ.
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ⓘ For Business Operators entering FDI into MENA. please see this section to study Trade Vehicles information
➍╔➌╝➋╗➊ investment that adds value to holdings
While we forge new entities, this existing quartet of reusable “GPV’s" allows a total re-think of structural orienting for finance & trade
LMM General Trading + Medical-Grade Storage
ONSHORE TRADE ENABLEMENT: Given 2/3 (70%) of Earth's population lives within a 6-hour flight of Dubai, LMM™ has basic staff, requisite office, inventory systems, logistical capabilities, and rare licenses (such as for restricted items) to rapidly import / [re]export any consumer item or B2B device under the sun. As the world's first DAAS (distribution-agent-as-a-service), LMM allows those that want control of their entire supply chain in the UAE market as their base for pan-regional trade to deal directly with resellers or end customers, reducing intermediary risk exposure and improving the buyer relationship experience. It slashes demo-unit/samples entry time for marketing or pre-testing, and can file SKU registrations and permits with authorities, protecting IP from 3rd-party risk. With LMM as a local/regional/global ‘agent on-demand' in an ideally situated seaport location between East and West, producers are realizing the benefits of their own subsidiary sans the headache of wholesaler management nor upfront build-out costs for permissible warehousing. N.B.: AFAQ handles Halal products only.
AFAQ Group for General Investment
FINANCIAL SERVICE ACTIVATION: Legitimate* cross-border investors into funds or direct targets often get delayed by unresponsive low-priority bank account attention or temporary bureaucratic lapses, even between two non-embargoed/friendly nations, derailing their timely opportunity to advantage a move. Through the UAE’s sophisticated banking system and its priority entitlements, AFAQ® intermediates bona-fide equity-stakes, whether towards tangible or intangible estates - real property or virtual instruments, and monetary or cryptographic currency, within the purview of or formal exemption from UAE Central Bank or Securities and Commodities Authority statutes. Likewise — through AFAQ — foreign private banks and financial service providers, asset managers, and VC/PE firms seeking to compliantly commence business-development activity in the region can accelerate their ability to legally put a low-cost card-carrier on the ground embedded with AFAQ, ahead of large-scale outlay, all the way up to the establishment of a new or branch full-service consumer bank. *Fund sources must pass AFAQ security screening and undergo KYC/AML diligence processes of correspondent and/or central banks. N.B.: AFAQ encourages Shari'a-friendly capital flows (we charitably offset hedging, leveraged debt, and prohibited verticals).
Teknix Technical Services
CONTRACTED BIDS: We place in your hands the ability to realize your own technical visions within the GCC, Arab, and Islamic worlds, hands-on. Teknix℠, our project/maintenance contracting arm, is extended for partner-held companies' various desired works in these spheres, be they in the physical realm (infrastructural works, industrial manufacturing, commercial/residential facility construction) or IT/creative implementation, via various approaches (private or PPP, concessionary, DBO, BoT, or otherwise) —or— to ramp up local engineering/ manufacturing/ coding/ design talent for pre-entry localization. It can prime RFP’s/tenders where a local firm is mandatory (e.g. government customers), or source labor from the UAE’s skilled pool and more affordable capitals like Cairo, Beirut, Amman and further Southeast Asia. With Teknix, qualified brands can bypass dependence on JV's and remotely lead their own consulting/support as if a local player. For worthy work by the vetted, Teknix is able to obtain all kinds of clearances, including to the most sensitive MENA secure-zone sites (n.b.: AFAQ entertains Defense solutions only if non-lethal).
Irtiqa for Human Development
SOCIETAL MARKETING: New innovations need new ways of feeling to be accepted and used. Irtiqa℠ is a mechanism for cognitive re-adaptation. It seeds demand through immersed learning, readying populations to be readier for embracing next waves, ensuring return on investment. How do we go from "selling at the bottom of the pyramid" to “experiencing from the core of our circle to the peripheries”, creating cultural platforms? When idle, Irtiqa runs experiments to elevate aspiration, such as transformative journeys that recenter trendstarters from a tuition-to-intuition focus. Concepts in services like academia, coaching, event-themes, or content-generation can be Irtiqa-pilot-tested or ported, prior to scaling via train-the-trainer curricula or the media... all the way through to establishing a university or summit. It is one more tool in our belt for long-term investment returns, closing the “consumer is the maker" value loop. Our condition is that the syllabus/ content/ program underscores moral virtues and bolsters - not undermines - prosperity for our denizens.
COMMUNITECH moves us most
While not limited to technology, and we play in all traditional sectors, our primary motivation is propagating private enterprise, academic R&D, communally-grown ingenuity, and corporate innovation which locally transfigures traditional mindsets and dated infrastructures that are losing relevance in a highly meshed world of 8 B. people. AFAQ favours the reliable monetisation of applied social sciences… established models for the well-being of our populations, nations, and planet. We especially enjoy collaborating with game-changers in the following categories.
⚚ Civic Potential 2.0
Banking Forms/Value Tokens, Athletics, Communal Spaces, Un-Learning & Re-Schooling
☖ Civil Services 2.0
Digital Government, On-Grid Utilities, Affordable Habitats, Connected Home, De-Waste
☉ Resource Security
Portable Energy, 4D Printing, Water & Food Generation, Fuel Efficiency, Fire & Safety, Metal
⚕ Peak Health
Smart Drugs, Bio-Pharma, Devices, Soft Nano-bots, No-Trace Consumables
➲ Cognizant Mobility
Aerial & Autonomous Logic, Mass/Personalised Transit, Robotic-Aided Telepresence
⚄ Systemic Information
Ware Revolutions, Transparent Immersion, Perceptually Intelligent Machines
about our PERSONAS
Introducing the 3PR ...and our associated appelations
Understanding the AFAQ stewardship structure
Roster of Names: Why it’s not here
perceiving AFAQ + YOU
Giving the remit of not letting any globally-impactful commerce fail or be deterred from our Nation, select intercessors and trustees are mandated to extend unlimited, unbiased advice/counsel on structural orientation for international investment or trade, pro-bono... with no expectation. We review and caretake all messages in confidence.
SCA-exempted, DED activity © 2015-24 | مجموعة آفاق للاستثمار
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